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2024 Junior Golf Clinic
Monday, July 15, 2024, 08:00am - 05:00pm
Hits : 1916

Have fun while learning: skills, basic rules, etiquette & course management!


Boys and girls from ages 7-17 can register for this amazing opportunity!

Dates June 17, 24 July 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 *Monday, July 29, Beginners, Intermediate & Scramble kids will participate in our new end of the season “Fun Day” - from 10:00-12:00


*Golfers will be divided into 3 groups.

Beginners from 8:30-9:30
Intermediates 10:00-12:00
Advanced/Scramble League 10:00-12:00

Cost: Enrollment $85 and then $5 per week for greens fees
*Weekly fee waived for “Youth on Course members” https://youthoncourse.org/
Enrollment fee includes a: dri fit shirt, weekly lesson & season ending “Fun Day” with certificates, treats, games and prizes.

Instructors: Lori & John Hostetler (Retired teachers/coaches & Glenkerry Cup winners (2017 & 2018 and Lori was GRWGA player of the year 2023).

Questions: Call Lori 989-283-1297 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Ready to Reserve your Spot?

1413 East Kent Rd, Greenville, MI 48838 | Reservations: 616.225.4653|